Craft Ideas
Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Cushion Covers Yarn Bracelets Pop Up Cards T-Shirt Jewellery Tie and Dye Materials: Various colours of fabric dye, rubber bands, rubber gloves, marbles/stones, water, containers for each colour of dye and garments such as t-shirts, cotton shorts or old jeans Procedure: 1. Begin by rubberbanding your garment according to the design you wish to achieve. See Folding Techniques. 2. Prepare dye according to package directions. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. 3. Once your garment is ready, place it in the dye for at least 15-20 minutes. The longer the garment remains in the dye, the darker and deeper the colour will become. 4. Remove garment from the dye and rinse according to package directions, usually in cold running water. 5. Ring out garment until water runs clear. Carefully remove rubber bands and marbles to reveal your new design! Paper Weaving This can be done as an art project in itself with youth weaving different designs. Completed designs can also be used in other craft projects, such as stencil printing and the VBS Youth Lesson Cover (see Step C). Materials: 2 different coloured sheets of Cartridge paper, ruler, pencil, scissors and tape. Procedure: Step A. Make Weaving Strips 1. Using one sheet of cartridge paper, cut 1/2 inch x 11 inch strips of paper. Instead of cartridge paper you can use coloured paper or glossy magazine pages. Step B. Make Paper Loom 1. Cut a 9 inch x 12 inch rectangle from the other sheet of cartridge paper. Cut two rectangles if you are going to Step C. 2. Measure and rule a 1/2 inches border. 3. Fold the paper in half (now it is 4 1/2 inch x 12 inch) and measure and mark 1/2 inch increments along the fold (within the border) and on the 1/2 inch border across from it. Cut slits starting from the mark on the fold to the corresponding mark on the border. You can use straight or wavy lines. 4. Unfold the paper to begin weaving your strips over and under. Alternate starting your strips over and under and weave until there is no space. Additional patterns see Paper Weaving Patterns. 5. Glue or tape down the end of the strips to the artwork base. Step C. Make Youth Learner Lesson Cover Additional materials: paper punch and yarn. 1. Using the other rectangle from Step B1, glue the edges of the paper to the side of the paper loom with the tape showing. 2. When the glue dries fold the paper in half (now it is 9 inch x 6 inch) with weaved side showing. This is now the cover for the VBS Youth Learner Leaflets 3. Place folded VBS Youth Learner Leaflets inside. Punch a hole at the top and bottom and fasten with yarn. T-Shirt Bag |
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