presents its 3rd annual
January 12, 2013 - 6:30 - 10:00 AM
@ Emancipation Park (cnr Oxford Rd and Knutsford B'lvd)

6:30 AM Warmups and Aerobics
7:00 AM Official Lap Start
8:00 AM Danceoff Competition
9:00 AM Cheerleading Competition
9:30 AM Mini-Concert
Other Activities include:
Kiddies Village
(Puppet show, story telling, face painting and much, much more)
7:00 AM Official Lap Start
8:00 AM Danceoff Competition
9:00 AM Cheerleading Competition
9:30 AM Mini-Concert
Other Activities include:
Kiddies Village
(Puppet show, story telling, face painting and much, much more)
Cheerleading Competition

This year's Lapathon will feature a Cheerleading Competition:
Groups of 8 or more persons should prepare a 10-minute routine promoting Sunday School attendance and participation and using Phillippians 3:14 as a guide.
Groups will be judged on 1) Costume, 2) Uniformity, 3) Presentation Style and 4) Relevance to Theme.
Groups of 8 or more persons should prepare a 10-minute routine promoting Sunday School attendance and participation and using Phillippians 3:14 as a guide.
Groups will be judged on 1) Costume, 2) Uniformity, 3) Presentation Style and 4) Relevance to Theme.
Let us come together to support:
- Sunday school growth
- Lifelong learning
- A new curriculum plan